🖤🛕 Rave Temple is a 6-hour event. The flow will look something like 1hr DJ set for dropping in, doors close for an opening circle, speaking intentions, consent, and embodiment practice. 3 hours of music, movement, and temple arts. 1hr of down-regulating, unpacking circle, and closing the ritual.
🖤🛕 This is an exploration of intentionally going into release on the dancefloor and being curious about how we can find god/source/spirit in dance. Leading into this event, start feeling into what your intentions...
🖤🛕 Please bring something to put on the altar. Something sacred to you. Something from nature, a pen, film, favourite clothing item, crystals, tarot cards, etc. Whatever you feel helps keep you anchored to the sacred.
🖤🛕 We recommend bringing a blindfold (or anything to cover the eyes such as a bandana) as we practice meditation to start and finish.
🖤🛕 Bring earplugs if you are sensitive to ongoing sound. There will be about 3hrs of sound immersion (some meditation music, and mostly rave songs).
🖤🛕 Bring your journals. This is in case you get downloads during your experience and feel free to write during or after our ritual.
🖤🛕 Lastly, bring your whole self. The beautiful, ugly, or numb. All of “you” is welcome. Glee, joy, pride, anger, grief, introversion, extraversion, sadness, and happiness.

✨ How do I know if I’m “spiritual” enough to come along? ✨
There’s no spiritual test to pass. You are welcome if you’re open-minded and willing to explore something new.
✨ Do I have to be Queer to attend? ✨
No. Yet allyship is necessary.
✨ What is the dress code? ✨
This is a space for experimentation and aesthetics are essential. Gift yourself and the others WONDER. Wear something that expresses YOU as well as something comfortable to move in. Better yet, bring in archetypal play and wear something that captures your intention.
✨ Can I arrive and leave when I want? ✨
You must arrive on time and can stay till the end. Treat it like a ritual or a workshop. We will begin and finish together. If you are late, you won’t be let in or refunded. If you want/need to leave, we will not force you to stay but prefer that you stay with us to completion. Permit yourself to put your other commitments on hold for this time and allow yourself to be present as possible on your journey.
✨ Is the team trauma-informed? ✨
Yes. If you need assistance, there is an awareness team to help hold space. Yet this isn’t a therapy space and will not be therapizing you. Instead, we will hold loving awareness for your experience.
✨ Is this a body-positive space? ✨
Yes. Nudity is welcome, yet, we encourage you to read the room before doing what you solely desire.
✨ Is this a sex-positive space? ✨
Yes. Consent is mandatory. If you do not respect consent, you will be asked to leave.
✨ Will the space be gender balanced? ✨
Entering Rave Temple requires you to drop gender norms and interact with everyone as fluid-humans.
✨ Is this a sober space? ✨
No. We prefer that you arrive sober so we are all meeting on the same level yet it’s not necessary. We are substance-positive events yet encourage everything in moderation.